Marie Callender’s Pepper Steak

Hi kids, I don’t have the time or inclination to cook. I did that for a lot of years, but I’m into eating healthy meals that are quick to fix and taste good. So I decided to try all the healthier boxed meals. I’m going to rate them on health, value and taste. Since I usually am cooking for one, these will be individual servings. The first thing I tried was Marie Callender’s Pepper Steak

  • Flavor – B minus
  • Cost – $2.50
  • Prep time in the microwave (1100 watts) is 3 1/2 to 4 minutes.
  • quantity – enough if you have a very small appetite. I had plenty of room for dessert and I’m not a big eater
  • ingredients – most are fine, does contain disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate – There is some debate on the safety of these flavor enhancers, but the consensus is that they are safe.
  • Though not as healthy as a whole foods meal from all natural ingredients, the pepper steak dinner is a good option as long as you buy enough of it to fill you up.

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