Are You a Sugar Junkie Like Me?


Sugar, sugar everywhere and I’m going to consume as much of it as I can. Cookies, candy (especially chocolate), pies, cakes, maple bars, sugar in my coffee, lattes, and sodas are all on the menu. The more sugar I consume, the more I want. I confess I’m a sugar junkie. It is my drug of choice.

When life gets bumpy, I go to sugar for comfort, when life is good, I go to sugar to celebrate. Out there in the world, I have kindred spirits. Could it be you?

Should we be scared that our habit will kill us?

You and I have read reports about how bad sugar is for us. We’ve seen the news articles. We have occasionally vowed to cut sugar out of our diet, but like the good junkies we are, our best intentions are dashed the first time our eyeballs meet a sugary yum.

After all, sugar is legal. Society doesn’t shame us because of our habit. We’re not causing anyone harm. We don’t have to steal to get our sugar fix. We rationalize our sugar consumption as being normal. After all, aren’t our bodies sugar burning machines? Our cars burn gas, we burn sugar. It’s the nature of things.

Reports have come out saying if I eat a butt load of sugar, I’m going to get fat. Well, not meaning to contradict those more learned than I am, I’m not overweight.

Reports have also come out saying that sugar affects the same neurons as heroin and cocaine. Could be. After all, both heroin and sugar affect dopamine, that wonderful pleasure chemical we all possess in our brains. With our happy sugar fix, we don’t experience the euphoria reported by heroin users or the happy buzz from too many margaritas. Nonetheless, that maple bar or chocolate goodie just plain tastes awesome and it definitely brings us pleasure. Therefore, it must be tickling the pleasure centers of our brains in some way.

Okay, what about those sugar withdrawals? We don’t suffer the agony of getting dope sick when we can’t get our sugar fix. Yeah, we’d give a kingdom for a piece of pie or an extra sweet latte, but we don’t see bugs crawling on us nor do we feel like we’re about to die. We just want something sweet because it tastes good and it brings us pleasure.

There is one thing bad about our addiction. That would be excess. Excess in anything tends to be bad for us either physically and/or emotionally. Too much fat, too much food, too much exercise (I’m very careful to avoid this one), too much salt, too much work, too much play, too much alcohol, too much pot. All bad.

With that in mind, I think you and I should moderate our sugar consumption just a bit. Of course, that holds true with any other excesses we have. One of mine is sitting in front of the computer for too long. Another is occasionally spending too much money at the local casino. And then there are those irresistible lattes. What are your excesses? Come on, fess up.

Despite latest studies indicating no relationship with our addiction to any lasting harm (1) there are steps being taken to punish us for our addiction.Here in the U.S., we have the Sugar Act which reads:

      “(a) In General.—There is hereby imposed a tax on the sale or transfer of any specified sugar-sweetened beverage product by the manufacturer, producer, or importer thereof.
      “(b) Rate Of Tax.—The rate of tax imposed under subsection (a) shall be equal to one cent per 4.2 grams of caloric sweetener contained in such specified sugar-sweetened beverage product.
      “(c) Persons Liable For Tax.—The manufacturer, producer, or importer referred to in subsection (a) shall be liable for the tax imposed by such subsection.

Just a quickie question. Who do you think will ultimately pay this new tax? Be assured it will be those of us that like our sugar-sweetened beverages.

In addition to that, some municipalities and states in the U.S. have their own sugar tax which, of course, comes out of our pocket. (2)

Though current legislation is aimed at sugary drinks, how long will it take legislators to pass other sugar taxes in the effort to thwart our sugar addiction? No matter, we will pay the tax and keep on keeping on with what we do.

Will this legislation curb my sugar consumption? Nope. It won’t reduce it by a single root beer.

So, my fellow sugar junkies, I have some good news. It’s time to quit fearing that every sugar cookie you eat is marching you steadily toward your grave.

Now, just in case there’s still an inkling of fear or shame about your sugar addiction, here are a few facts that will help:

  1. Does sugar cause diabetes? No (3)
  2. Will sugar make you fat? A crappy diet makes you fat. Eating too much makes you fat. I eat a lot of sugar and am not fat and I am not alone. My case rests. Remember the old days when everybody tried to convince you that eating fats made you fat? That was a bunch of hokum too.
  3. Will I crash after eating sugar? When I eat a maple bar with my extra sweet 20 oz. latte, I get a little sugar high. The rule is you’re supposed to crash a couple of hours later. I haven’t noticed that unless I’m listening to the news at the same time. The news these days can cause a crash no matter what I’m eating.
  4. Will sugar make you hyper? No (4)
  5. Will sugar give you cancer? No (5)

There you have it my fellow sugar junkies. I encourage you to be skeptical of everything you hear and read. Don’t be afraid because living in constant fear is far worse for you than what you choose to eat.

Mama Vic loves her kids and you are all my kids.





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