What Dogs Can Teach Us about Gaining Weight

When Not at Play Misty Sleeps
When Not at Play Misty Sleeps

What can our dogs teach us about weight? A heck of a lot. Why is this true? It’s true because they are unencumbered by ads on TV telling them all the reasons they should be unhappy or that big greedy corporations are out to kill them.

Life is pretty simple for a dogs’ brains and that is exactly why we can learn from them. If dogs gett plenty of exercise and are fed a healthy diet, they stay trim. If you give them crap food and don’t let them exercise, they gain weight.

Misty, my little Silky, likes all sorts of food. The words ‘snack’ and ‘treat’ are at the top of her favorite word list. Well, Misty has gained two pounds over the past 6 months. I attribute the gain to one reason. I spend too much time working at my computer and not enough time walking with her. I used to let her out in the yard at night because she would never run down the driveway toward the road after dark. However, a few months back she was attacked by two coyotes when I let her out. Now, she never goes out without being on a lead. She started gaining an ounce here and an ounce there since the coyote incident simply because she’s not getting the exercise she needs.

What lesson can we learn from Misty? We can learn that it is important to get exercise. You may think that’s a big duh. Everybody knows that. However, there’s a lot of misinformation out there particularly in cyberspace.

Can you lose weight without getting enough exercise? Yep. I’ve done it. To make matters worse, the pundits that promote exercise often overcomplicate things. Some will tell you that you need to walk X number of miles X number of days a week. Others will tell you that you absolutely must buy their exercise videos or books to lose weight and feel great. Then there are the exercise coaches who are trained to guide you into a customized exercise program.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with any of the programs offered. What I am saying is that they’re not necessary. If it makes you feel good to buy a program, attend an exercise class or hire a coach, by all means go ahead. However, for many of my kids out there, it’s not affordable right now. For others, they wouldn’t stick to the program if they were glued to it.

It’s you kids that can’t afford or are not inclined to be part of a program that this post is for. Like Misty, if you don’t get out there and get that body moving, you’ll likely end up with a weight problem at some time in your life if you don’t already have one.

There’s another critically important reason why you need to get that body of yours moving. It’s your lymphatic system. Here’s why. The cells in your body poop. Science gives cell poop the more polite term, metabolic by product. Lymphatic fluid is part of your body’s sewer system. It washes each cell spanky clean. However, there’s a catch, lymphatic fluid only moves when you do. When you sit on your butt too long or lay around without moving, you are forcing your cells to sit there in their own poop and your cells don’t like that any more than you would.

So, if you’re like me and have a job that keeps butt to chair for long periods of time, it’s a good idea to get up and walk around periodically. If you work from a home office like i do, you can also get a dog. It’s guaranteed the pup will get you off your butt particularly if you’re half way conscientious and take him or her for walks. I’ve started taking Misty on longer walks to compensate for her having to be on a lead when she’s outside.

As for exercise, besides moving lymphatic fluid, it’s a great way to relax. In my area, I’m lucky to have many parks with walking trails. On rainy days, I chase Misty around the house. We both get exercise that way and I know that extra two pounds she’s gained will melt away in no time. Sweeping floors, washing windows, gardening and raking are also wonderful forms of exercise and they improve the way things look. Sports such as swimming, basketball and tennis are great and fun ways to get your body moving. If you aren’t into sports, a walk through the local mall can be a fun adventure (just be careful not to overspend while you’re there).

So, now tell me what creative ways you find to exercise. Come on, don’t be shy. Mama wants to know. Who knows maybe I can incorporate some of your ideas into my exercise program.

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