Don’t Have Enough Money? Part 2 – The Real Reason

Do you spend all your money as soon as it comes in? If this is you read Part 1: What to Do When You Suck at Managing Money – The Money Squanderer (Spendthrift). Maybe you just don’t make enough money to live comfortably. If this is you, read How to Fix Money Problems. Today I’m going to show you another reason you don’t have enough money. It’s a secret reason you won’t hear much about in financial and investment circles, but it’s so strong it can drive you to poverty and keep you there.

What is the secret? Your crazy mixed up brain and what it believes to be true. I hear these beliefs coming out of the mouths of folks just like you and me. “I’m too old.” “I’m too young.” “I’m not smart enough.” “Money is evil.” (Good luck trying to convince your grocer to put food on your table without some of this evil to buy it with.) “I don’t have the skills.” I could go on, but I’m sure you get the idea.

You’re creative, so I’m sure you can come up with even more excuses. Actually, the word excuses isn’t right, the word beliefs is a much better fit. Know this, if you tell yourself a lie enough times, it can and does become a belief. Even so, whether you believe it or not, it’s still a lie and it’s insidious in that it makes you a victim which you are not. You simply end up digging a hole full of lack mentality which gets deeper by the thought.

If you currently work at a job that doesn’t pay enough, find another job that does. Okay, I hear you scream at me. “Easy for you to say, but if I give this job up, I won’t have any money coming in.” I didn’t suggest you quit your job, I said find another one that you will like better and pays a living wage. Another alternative is to add skills to your job description that will make you valued as an employee where you’re at. Even a butt wipe company like WalMart has opportunities, but if you work in an entry level job or one that requires few skills, you’re easily replaced.

Do you believe money is evil? If so, somebody lied to you. Now unless that somebody is supporting you, it’s time for you to change your mind. Money is neither good nor evil. It’s simply an easier way for you to barter, that’s all it is. You sell some time to do this so you can go somewhere and buy that. Let me repeat what I said; money is not evil. Greed is the true evil.

Remember, what you think creates behaviors and the right behaviors will create your success. If you have dug yourself into a hole filled with woeful thought on how much you lack or made up reasons why you lack, it’s time to climb out. I’m providing you with some exercises that will help you do that.

Exercise 1

  • Watch your thoughts – Thoughts are powerful in shaping your life. In this exercise, you’re not going to try and change your thoughts; you’re simply going to be aware of them. The awareness will bring about the necessary changes.
  • Watch your feelings – This is actually the second part of watching your thoughts. When you have a thought, be aware of any emotion associated with the thought. For instance, when you think of paying a bill, do you feel resentment because you have to pay it? Do you experience fear that when you pay the bill you will run short of money?

Exercise 2

  • Identify skills you can acquire – This one can actually be a lot of fun and is designed for those of you who either don’t like your job or have a job that doesn’t pay a living wage.

Exercise 3: Read the following books:

  • “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey
  • “The Charge” by Brendon Burchard.

Exercise 4: Watch the following Ted Talks:

  • (The same principals apply to your life.)

Now get off your butt and move ahead. You can do it as well as anyone else.

I love you,
Mama Vic

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