All Sins Forgiven Mr. Trump

Why did Americans vote for Trump? I’ve been asking myself that question. I mean, it wasn’t that Trump is a supporter of women or their rights. He doesn’t seem to support any measure that would help ease the pressure our kids will face trying to get a debt free college education. He doesn’t believe in climate change. He certainly doesn’t pay his share of taxes. He doesn’t have a clue what it’s like to struggle to pay bills. (When the going gets rough, he simply takes advantage of our bankruptcy laws.) He doesn’t use exclusively American materials to construct his buildings. I could go on, but you’d fall asleep. You know this about him already.


But you forgave all his sins and elected him. So, what is this Trump phenomenon really all about?


Those of us that live in the luxurious lap of financial security don’t get it. Let me enlighten you. Maybe we would have voted for him too if our lives weren’t so comfortable. I wonder if we would feel the same way if month after month we struggled to pay our bills. What would happen to our sense of security if we couldn’t afford to feed our kids a healthy diet? I wonder how we would feel if our family was living out of the backseat of a car? How would we feel if we were worried that our job might evaporate taking our home and standard of living with it?


In the United States, there is growing unrest as citizens watch their quality of life fade ever increasingly into the past. It is true that our standard of living is higher than in many parts of the world. However, it is steadily declining due to low wages, outrageous costs of college and higher food and housing costs.


In addition, more and more Americans believe we have a corrupt government bought and paid for by the elite few; an increasingly biased supreme court; and a justice system where laws are unequally applied.


From what I’ve read, the aforementioned reasons created the perfect storm for a candidate like Trump


To test my theory, I’ve been asking Trump voters why they voted for him. I asked a cross section of people both men and women. Here are the answers they gave me.


“He wants to seal the borders limiting immigration, and he’s pro-life.”

“I’m tired of those damn Mexicans coming into the country and getting on welfare.”

“He’s not part of the political establishment. Everybody knows both parties only support Wall Street and the rich.”

“I’ve always supported the Democrats, but nothing gets better.”

“He wants to rid us of those Muslims. They only want to kill us.” said a very angry man.

“I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for Hillary. I don’t trust her.”

“He promised to get rid of Obama Care. You should see what that’s doing to my health insurance premiums.”


Okay, so what’s the answer? I certainly don’t think it’s going to be a Trump. I hope it is, but I think that has about as much chance as me winning a gold medal in acrobatics. The answer wasn’t going to be a Hillary either because the Republicans were already threatening to make her a one term president. She would have met with the same obstructionist problems as Obama did.


The real answer is to start taking power back. Hey guys, we outnumber them.


  1. If we want to do it peacefully, we vote for candidates that don’t get their money from folks they will be beholding to while in office. That’s a no brainer.
  2. Take an active role in local elections every chance you can; heck, run yourself. I’ll vote for you. So will your mom (probably).
  3. When you find a good candidate, send him or her some money. Political campaigns aren’t free.
  4. Get educated. What bills did your senators and representatives vote for? How often were they present during House and Senate debates? (I’ll give you some links below to help you with this.)
  5. Finally, attend school board meetings. Remember, the kids you support now will affect your future down the road.
  6. Call, write, text, tweet your opinions to your representatives and ask your friends and neighbors to do the same.
  7. Oh, and by the way, VOTE!!


Now you have the problem and solution. So quit complaining and get off your ass. Take action that will really matter.


Here are a few resources that will help you make decisions on who to support in the future. Hint: If a person is party loyal, don’t vote for him or her EVER. Their only loyalty should be to you. Mama Vic said it and she never lies.  Click on a highlighted issue to see how your representative voted. If you don’t understand why he or she voted yay or nay, ask. Here you can track who is pushing bills. A great site.


Okay kids, I just handed your government back to you. What are you going to do about it.


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