It’s Broken, But We Can Fix It

Here’s what I believe you deserve:
• The right to have clean air to breathe
• The right to have clean water to drink
• The right to have enough healthy food to eat
• The right to a minimum wage sufficiently high to cover your cost of living
• The right to have excellent health care even if you’re financially disadvantaged
• The right to an excellent education from K through college regardless of where you live
• The right to a free or at least affordable college education
• The right to pass on a healthy Earth to your children and grandchildren
That said, I’m not stupid (at least some of the time) and I realize I can’t wave a magic wand and make all those things happen. However, together WE can do it.
If you want to be a part of this movement, contact me on my mamavic Facebook page or join the Mama Vic family

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