Need More Money? Quit Trying to Earn It

Now why would I say such a stupid thing? Everyone knows to make more money you really have to hustle buns. You will need to hold down two jobs or work lots of overtime. Right? Wrong!

Do you know what the difference is between work and play? It’s a state of mind. To be playing all the time, do something your passionate about. passion for what you do will make you an expert at it. And how are experts paid? They are always paid enough and often way more than enough.

Many of you don’t have a clue as to what your passion really is. You may know what interests you, but interest is not the same thing as passion. Jesus was passionate about ministering to the people. Buddha was passionate about trying to understand suffering. Mahatma Gandhi was passionate about freeing India. I’m passionate about helping all my kids have happy, healthy and prosperous lives. What is your passion?

Still don’t know? Ask yourself this question. If I could be an expert in anything I wanted without restrictions, what would that be? Be patient with yourself because it may take awhile to dig beneath all the dream killing viewpoints you’ve accumulated over the years to discover your passion. Once you’ve decided, write it on a piece of paper like this: I am an expert ___________.

Visualize yourself as being the expert of your choice. How does that make you feel? What would you be doing today? Be prepared to feel sad if the little voice inside your head say “Yeah, but you’re not an expert and probably never will be.” That little voice is lying to you. It comes from your present set of beliefs. That same little voice might also tell you you’re too young, too old, not smart enough or lack the resources. And that would be a pile of bunk.

Ignore the naysayer within you (and any outside as well) and push on. Keep visualizing your dream as though you are living it. Within a few days. the screeching voice inside you will quiet to a whisper. However, make no mistake, it will always be there waiting to tell you what a loser you are, particularly when you run into the inevitable obstacles on the way to realizing your dream.

Now work backwards to determine what steps you need to take to realize your dream. If it’s a career choice, what will you need to do to become an expert in your field? What do you need to learn? Who should you talk to? Where can you get more information? Write it all down.

The next action on your part is to break everything down into actions you will take on a day by day basis. What will you do starting today? Remember, your destiny is determined by your actions and your actions are determined by what you choose to do.

Read these stories to stay on track:

From runaway street kid to Harvard PHD
From slave to fame
From poverty to CEO
Never too old

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