You Go Millennial – A Shout Out to You

Dear Millennial,

You don’t hear a lot of good news these days. Now, it’s not that good news isn’t out there, It’s just that good news doesn’t sell well and so the media doesn’t cover it. That said, there is one piece of bad news that’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Know what it is?

Drum roll— wait for it, wait for it. YOU ARE CHANGING THE WAY THINGS WORK IN A BIG WAY.

  1. For one thing, you’ve decided you don’t need to load yourself down with a bunch of crap stuff. You’re not buying and that’s driving the market driven ghouls nuts.
  2. You’ve paying off debt. You rock!
  3. You’re saving money. A concept this mama thought was all but forgotten.
  4. You’re opting out of buying those big, carbon gobbling houses and going for small homes or renting. Good for you.

Keep up the good work and teach your kids to follow in your footsteps. I can’t begin to describe how proud I am of you.


Mama Vic

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