How to Get What You Want


What do you want? Is it power and or money? Is it health and happiness? Is it all of the above? Do you have it? If not, read on to learn how to get what you want, whatever that might be. If you’re unsure, watch the above video. The information Dr. Seligman provides will help you decide.

I’m only so wise, so I can’t begin to explain why and how what I’m about to explain to you works, but it does. I know because I’ve tested it. The good thing is neither of us need to know the whys and hows of what makes something work, we just know how to use it. For example, you don’t need to know how a car works in order to learn to drive it. You don’t need to know how your refrigerator works to use it to keep your food cold. So without further ado, let’s get to the meat of this post and learn how you can get whatever you want.

1. You first have to decide exactly what it is you want? It works best if you are specific. I want to be rich is not specific. I want $500,000 is specific.

2. Next you have to believe what you want is on its way. This sounds easy, but it isn’t. If you don’t believe me try it. Pick something you would really like to have. Go ahead and dream big. Now think about that thing. Do you believe without any doubt that it’s on its way? Chances are you are loaded with doubts. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t make those doubts disappear. There’s that little voice inside your head saying, “That’s ridiculous, you’re not smart enough, rich enough, young enough or old enough to get that.” Maybe the voice doesn’t say anything at all, but you have a feeling of disbelief. To make this work for you, you must quiet the voice and change the feeling.

You need both belief and anticipation. For instance, assuming you celebrate Christmas, think about when you were a child and it is Christmas Eve. You know Santa is coming to give you cool toys. There’s no doubt in your mind. Think about that feeling. That same feeling is what you need. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, think maybe about some awesome event you planned on attending in the past. Everything was ready for you to go and the event was the very next day. Think about the feeling you had the night before. You had no doubt you were going to the event and you looked forward to it with high anticipation. That’s the feeling and belief you need for this law to work.

3. You hold this state of anticipation that what you want is on its way. You don’t know how it will come to you and you don’t know when, but it is on its way. For me, if what I want is relatively small, it’s usually 10 days after I can maintain the belief and anticipation. The belief and anticipation part is the hardest for me. It usually takes 3 days to a week for me to dispel all the doubts and crap thinking that meanders through my head.

Besides the difficulty in developing the belief and anticipation, you may run into another head wind that’s even more difficult to overcome. You may believe you don’t deserve the thing you want. Maybe you feel that someone else deserves it more than you or that you aren’t worthy to have it at all. Another obstacle might be a belief that if you get what you want it will somehow negatively change you. A common thought is that if you get a lot of money, you will become a corrupt, evil bastard like all the rest of those rich corrupt bastards out there. Of course, both of these beliefs are pure lies others have fed you.

You deserve all the good things this plentiful universe has to offer just as much as anyone else. Also, if you become wealthy, the choice to become a corrupt, evil bastard is up to you. It’s not written on your forehead that that is what will happen. Instead, you can become a very altruistic giving person who spends much of your money on helping others in a million different ways. It’s all up to you.

Some of you are probably thinking that Mama Vic is full of it. You might even point out all the people in the world that are starving due to circumstances beyond their control. Well, I wondered the same thing and then thought about what would happen if just one person in those masses could use these principals? Could they capitalize on this plentiful universe? I believe so.

I learned this universal principal years ago by a friend of mine. He told me that he didn’t expect me to believe him, but to test it out for myself, so I did. I knew there was no way on God’s green earth that I could ever create the necessary belief and sense of anticipation if I tried for something big, so I decided to try and anticipate receiving $100.

For three days I thought about the $100 and every time I thought about it as something on its way to me, I would think the whole idea was stupid, unworkable and a waste of my time. However, on or about the third day, I started to feel hints of anticipation when I thought of the money and by the fifth day I was in full belief mode.

Ten days after the experiment started, I spotted a brown envelope in my mailbox. It was addressed to me alone (as compared to Mr. and Mrs.). When I opened the envelope, there was a check from the government for $100 apologizing for an error in their bookkeeping that revealed this money was due me.

I stood holding the check for a minute or so and then had to sit down to keep from falling down. I wondered if this was just a strange coincidence or was my friend on to something. I decided to try the experiment again. It worked. Then again. It worked again.

However, there’s a flip side to this law of abundance. For some reason, it appears that when you are feeling lack. That goes out into the universe as a request. The universe then gives you what you ask for. In this instance you are asking for lack. If you don’t want something don’t think it into existence. Work to reverse your thinking and you can have the things you want instead of the things you don’t want.

That’s it. It works. It’s simple, but not easy. Don’t believe me? Try it yourself and after you’ve made it work, report back here so others can benefit.

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