New Opportunities


The world be a changin’ folks, and it won’t do any good to try and go back to the good old days. If you do a quick check of history, the good old days weren’t any better than today, they were just different.

In the good old days, you grew up, got an education, went to work for one company, then retired. Today you grow up then all the cards are in the air. A good education is no assurance of a good job. The middle economic class is disappearing which gives you two choices, you can be a high earner or a low earner. The choice is yours and yours alone to make.

Take the case of Jim. He’s a bright guy in his late 30s, a brilliant carpenter with unimaginable creative ability and he is a chef. He also has 3 kids, a wife and a mother in law he’s supporting. With all his skills, he’s trying to fit himself into the old school job model with a company that has had him on board part time for over a year with a promise of full time ‘some day soon’. Well, it ain’t workin’. The job he’s got isn’t paying him enough to live on. So guess what he’s doing? Go on guess?

He’s whining “poor Jim, everything bad happens to me.” This thinking is getting him even deeper in debt and on subsidies. Everyone in Jim’s life feels sorry for him, well almost everyone. I don’t and here’s why. I know with the skills he has, a little fortitude and some forward thinking he could be out of his current dilemma. Unfortunately, his soured thinking is making him completely blind to the opportunities right in front of him.

If you’re currently like Jim, pull your head out of the muck and look around. There are as many or more opportunities now than ever in the past. You might have to learn a new skill. Don’t whine and tell me that there’s not enough time or money to do that because if you do, Mama Vic’s going to have to slap you. It has never been easier to access all the information you need to gain skills for free or at a minimum cost. You have the internet which has free access at most all libraries. As for your not having the time, were you aware that if you spend 1 hour a day for a year, that’s 365 hours. You could learn how to be a brain surgeon in that amount of time. Of course, this means you have to show the initiative and go for it instead of crawling in a hole somewhere and feeling sorry for yourself.

In Jim’s case, he could hone his chef experience, become a master chef and get an excellent paying job, but of course that would mean he would have to show a little pluck. His carpentry skills don’t need honing, but he needs to develop skills in running a business or partner with someone that has those skills. This means he needs to network and court business partners. With the attitude he has right now, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to partner with him, so it also means he needs to change his attitude. Will he ever do the things he needs to do to succeed? Who knows? But you can learn from his mistakes.

So what are the hot job markets right now?

  • Anything about robotics
  • Sales people are always in demand
  • A variety of engineer fields are open and looking for qualified people
  • There’s demand in the medical field for nurses, doctors and technicians
  • Computer related jobs are hot, but you need to know your stuff which, of course you can learn.
  • Teaching other people the skills you possess is a viable option
  • Starting an internet business is a good possibility

I could go on, but I’m going to quit here and let you ponder a few points.

  1. Your limitations are self imposed. You have unlimited potential.
  2. There is no scarcity in the universe, only in the minds of humans.
  3. Opportunities abound for those that are willing to grab them.
  4. You are in control of your own destiny

Will you fail?

Absolutely. Every successful person fails. The difference between successful people is that they get back up when they’re knocked down. So, consider any failures as putting you one step closer to success. Will you have to work? Yep, and darn hard. Will there be challenges along the way? Yep to that too. Consider them learning opportunities. That’s what successful people do. Don’t believe me? Let’s go back to the history books. Check out what George Washington Carver had to overcome to be a success (and you think you have it hard). How about the Wright Brothers? Think of the many failures they had before they got a plane off the ground. Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup books. Publishers turned him down 33 times.

Now go make your dreams come true and if you must snivel, do it tomorrow. Always tomorrow.

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